Importing custom APIs
From the Home dashboard, click on the New application button
Complete the domain verification process (You can refer to this help section if you need assistance with verification)
On the API import screen, choose custom API and then click on the API configuration button to proceed
Configuring custom APIs
From the dropdown menu in the top-right corner, select REST API.
Provide a name for the API in the name field
Choose the HTTP method from the available options in the drop-down menu
Enter the API URL in the field.
Create the Key-Value variable pair by entering the Key and the corresponding Value in the respective fields
You can also include/exclude the variable by selecting or deselecting the checkbox
And if you decide to delete any of the Key-Value pairs, you can click on the delete icon
Finally, click on Save button to complete the configuration
You can either Inherit the global authorization, set up the API with No auth or choose from any of the 4 available authorization types - API Key, Bearer Token, Basic Auth or OAuth 2.0 in accordance with the authorization present for the APIs
Select an existing configuration from the Configurations dropdown or set up new details based on the selected authorization type
Note: If you have configured and enabled the Global authorization, the related data will also be reflected in this tab. Enable Has API role checkbox if the API has the role-based authorization. (If you selected unmatchable configurations, an error message box will be prompted on the top-right of the dashboard).
Create the ‘Key-Value’ variable pair by providing the key and its respective value in the respective fields.
Click on the ‘Save’ button.
If the API doesn’t have a body, by-default, the radio button will be on ‘None’.
If you wish to add a new API body, then choose the body type (Form data, x-www-form-urlencoded, Raw).
If you choose the Form data button, then you must provide its ‘Key-Value’ pair and click on the Save button.
If you choose the x-www-form-urlencoded button, then you must provide its ‘Key-Value’ pair and click on the Save button.
And if you choose Raw button, then you must choose the file type based (TEXT, JSON, XML, HTML) in which you can copy paste the file content.
Click on the Save button after you complete your configurations.
From the dropdown menu in the top-right corner, select GraphQL API.
Enter the API name in the Name field
GraphQL API schema operations
If introspection is enabled, then you can use Fetch Schema here.
If introspection is disabled, you can upload a JSON-formatted schema file from your local machine with Upload Schema here.
Click on the Save button
You can find the Query, Mutation, and Subscription sub-menus under the GraphQL API project in the APIs menu.
Add valid values to the keys in the Query variables box. (Without valid data, this API won’t be considered for testing.)
Click on the Send button to validate the request.
Click on the Save button.
Configuring global authorization
Global authorization helps you to authorize your entire APIs in an application that is applicable across user roles with common authorization.
To set up a global authorization for your current custom APIs:
1. Dropdown REST APIs or GraphQL from the sidebar and click on Global authorization
Choose from any of the 4 available authorization types - API Key, Bearer Token, Basic Auth or OAuth 2.0 in accordance with the authorization present for the APIs
Based on the authorization type, you can refer to the respective section listed below.
Authorization type – API Key
If you choose API key, provide the Key and Value in the respective fields
And then define Add to for the key and value - it can either be added to the Header or Query Params
Click Save to complete the configuration
Authorization type – Bearer Token
If you choose Bearer token, provide the Token in the corresponding field
Click Save to complete the configuration
Authorization type – Basic Auth
If you choose Basic Auth, provide the Username and Password in the respective fields
Click Save to complete the configuration
Authorization type – OAuth 2.0
If you choose OAuth 2.0, you have to configure the below fields:
Define whether you want to Add authorization data to - Request Headers or Request URL
Choose the Grant type from the drop-down list
And then fill the remaining fields based on the chosen Grant type (Note: For more details regarding the related fields, refer to
Click on the Test button to ensure it is configured correctly
Finally, click on Save to complete the configuration
Configuring global headers
To set up global headers for your current custom APIs:
Dropdown REST API or GraphQL from the sidebar and click on Global headers
Create the Key-Value header pair by selecting the desired combination from the dropdown menus in the Key and Value fields, which will be applicable across the entire application
You can also include/exclude the header by selecting or deselecting the checkbox
And if you decide to delete any of the Key-Value pairs, you can click on the delete icon
Finally, click on Save button to complete the configuration
Configuring global variables
To set up global variables for your current custom APIs:
Dropdown REST API or GraphQL from the sidebar and then click on Global variables
Here you can follow two methods: JSON file import or manual configuration
Method 1: JSON file import (only applicable for Postman)
Click on the Import button present in the top right of the global variables screen
Browse and import the JSON file stored in your local machine from the prompt as shown below
Method 2: Manual configuration
Create the Key-Value variable pair by entering the Key and the corresponding Value in the respective fields
You can also include/exclude the variable by selecting or deselecting the checkbox
And if you decide to delete any of the Key-Value pairs, you can click on the delete icon
Finally, click on the Save button to complete the configuration
Configuring API authorization
To set up the authorization (role-based and without role):
Dropdown REST API or GraphQL from the sidebar and go to API authorization
Depending on the required authorizations, you may choose both or individually from the following: Role-based authorization or Authorization without role
Role-based authorization
Configuring new authorization definition
Click on the Add new button.
Enter a unique name in the Name field and then select the authorization type from the Type dropdown menu.
Configuring new role definition
Click on the New Role Definition button
Click on the Role drop-down menu and click on the New button
Input a name for your role, enable the checkmark and click on the newly created role definition to proceed, and click on the save button.
Click the drop-down menu icon next to the role definition
Configure the required authorizations from the list of pre-configured authorization definitions.
Input the authorization-related parameters by clicking the authorization definition according to your requirement.
Click on the Save button
You can find these settings reflected in the Has API role section in the APIs menu.
Authorization without role
Based on the authorization type, you can refer to the respective section listed below.
Authorization type – API Key
If you choose API key, provide the Name, Key and Value in the respective fields
And then define Add to for the name, key and value - it can either be added to the Header or Query Params
Click Save to complete the configuration
Authorization type – Bearer Token
If you choose Bearer token, provide the Name and Token in the corresponding field
Click Save to complete the configuration
Authorization type – Basic Auth
If you choose Basic Auth, provide the Name, Username and Password in the respective fields
Click Save to complete the configuration
Authorization type – OAuth 2.0
If you choose OAuth 2.0, you have to configure the below fields:
Provide the Name and define whether you want to Add authorization data to - Request Headers or Request URL
Choose the Grant type from the drop-down list
And then fill the remaining fields based on the chosen Grant type (Note: For more details regarding the related fields, refer to
Click on the Test button to ensure it is configured correctly
Finally, click on Save to complete the configuration
API role map
With the API role map, you can map which user roles defined under Role-based authorization can access API groups or individual APIs in the most simplified interface.
To define access for user roles:
Against each listed user role, you can either Select all APIs or API groups or select the checkbox against each individual API
API logs
The API logs menu enables you to see all the errors of the API configurations so that backtracking and fixing the misconfigurations can be done much faster.