All Categories API Security Testing What types of APIs are supported in Beagle Security?

What types of APIs are supported in Beagle Security?

By Deepraj R
September 4, 2022

GraphQL and REST APIs are supported in Beagle Security.

The major difference between GraphQL and REST APIs is that, in GraphQL, the configuration is set for the queries, and in REST API, the configuration is set for the APIs.  

What is GraphQL API?

GraphQL is simply a query language and a server-side runtime for APIs which provides the client application precise request data. It helps to make the APIs much-more developer friendly, faster, and flexible.

What is a REST API?

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a solution to define a set of constraints which helps to implement web services. It belongs to the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) technology and the request-response uses HTTP requests only.

It is also called RESTful API.

How GraphQL is better than the REST API?

GraphQL was found by Facebook developers in 2012 as a solution to the complexities and issues encountered with the REST APIs, such as unreliable network requests, over-or-under fetched resources, and multiple endpoints for different functionalities.

GraphQL is a client-driven, declarative query language for the APIs with single API endpoint for the entire functionality which eliminates multiple API endpoints for different functionalities. This is made possible with the proper configuration of parameters in the query for the individual functionalities.

For a beginner to gain initial understanding of GraphQL, they may find its functionalities much more relatable to the SQL (Server-side Query Language).

What are features of REST API?

Even after introducing GraphQL, REST API has wider usage due to its:

  • Scalability – the server does not store the data across the HTTP requests, which reduces the to-and-fro communications in-between the servers.

  • Flexibility and Portability – possible to perform a database migration from one server to another or to perform changes in the database at any time with the proper data transfer.

  • Independence over development – it is possible to develop across a project independently with ease being the client and server separate from one another. Also, the REST API adapts to the development platform and syntax all the time which enables us to use multiple environments in the development.

  • Simplified development – REST API is easier to build and modify and the process instances are developed explicitly.

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