All Categories API Security Testing How to check the response of APIs during the configuration?

How to check the response of APIs during the configuration?

By Abey Koshy Itty
September 29, 2021

While configuring your APIs for security testing, you have the option to check the response of the APIs. This allows you to make sure that all APIs are configured correctly and return the expected response before you start the test.

To check the response, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Go to API configuration from your application dashboard

  2. Select the API you want to check from the APIs section in the sidebar

  3. Make sure that Parameters, Authorization, Headers and Body are added

  4. Click on the Send button to check for the response from the API

  5. If the API is available you will receive your expected response. Otherwise, you will receive an error indicating that the API is not available


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